What's in my "Mom Purse"
I have heard that you can tell a lot about a women by what's in her purse. Maybe sharing what I have in mine isn't such a good idea..... you guys might think I'm some kind of weirdo. Well... I already took the pictures. I did them all artistically too; I spread out a blanket and got fancy with the angles..... I suppose there is no turning back.

A few months ago I wrote a "what's in my diaper bag" semi minimalist approach. A few months can produce a completely different child when you have a toddler. Time for an update.
My toddler is now 22 months old and is so much more confident and independent in her potty using and rarely has accidents anymore. She has grown into a little person and now carries her own purse with a few things to entertain herself plus one pair of emergency pants... just in case. So... now this momma is back to her own real purse.
Here is what's inside my "mom purse":

1)Paper Planner - yes I like to use Google calendar on my phone for events and stuff but for things like meal planning and accounting I like to hand write things so I can see all of it at once. I prefer the planners that have month pages and weekly pages in between. Always write in pencil people.

2) Notebook- you know, for notes and stuff.

3) Pen AND Pencil- I prefer pencil but, seeing as how I am a grown up, I carry a pen as well.

4)Wallet- duh. I got this wallet several years ago, probably at Target. I wouldn't say it's the best wallet ever, but it works.

5)Cash and Receipt Pouch- I try to always pay cash for stuff because it helps me visualize the money disappearing. Since my wallet isn't long enough to hold cash (I told you it wasn't the best) I have this separate pouch. I also keep any change and receipts in there too.

6)Personal Items Pouch- here is where I keep the tampons. (Be cool ladies. We all have periods and studies show that 70% of us use tampons). I also keep some lotion, chapsticks, lipgloss, and an extra hair tye in case the one I am using breaks.

7) Food Pouch- I love food. I turn into a monster if I haven't had it in a while and so does my toddler. So I keep a pouch with a small container of Cheerios, a couple granola bars, fruit snacks if we have them and the magic wands (the dum dums). My daughter loves them. And I love how instantly content they make her.
She loves them so much that if I kept them in my house she would find them and never eat anything else. So in order to keep them special, I have to go to the bank every other week to cash paychecks so when I do I go inside and get her one for the trip and then I grab a few more for the pouch.

8) Pocket knife- Just in case I need to cut something..... or... someone.....
What sort of stuff do you keep in your mom purse? I like to keep these items in a big tote bag or backpack because very often I have more things to carry up 3 flights of stairs so it is helpful if I can shove more stuff in the bag for transport. Things like mail, sweatshirts or socks that have been shed, extra food containers, etc.
Hope you enjoyed this post. Leave me comments if you have a unique item you carry around in your purse. Don't forget to like share and subscribe.
Until next time. At this point who knows when that will be. This post took me like 3 weeks to finally finish and publish. The struggle is real. Bye friends!