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What's in My Diaper Bag: A Minimalist's Approach

There are so many posts about how to pack the perfect diaper bag.  So many mothers out there are lugging around practically their entire nurseries and while I took their advise for a while, but I found that all that extra stuff just took up space and never got used.  

I started paring down the items that I lugged around and it turned into a challenge.  

Now as my baby grows, I challenge myself to make her diaper bag smaller and smaller.  

Here is what I kept in my minimalist diaper bag:  

- 1 diaper

- travel pack of about 20 wipes

-a grocery bag (just in case of a crazy poop)

-one outfit (season appropriate)

-a zip lock sandwich  bag full of cheerios

- a few toys

I have always liked to carry a big purse even though I carry very few things.  So when we would go out with baby I just threw these things in my purse.  

Nowadays my baby is 19 months old and potty trained.  Her "diaper bag" looks a little different now.  

Here is what is in my "diaper free" diaper bag:

-1 pair of baby pants

- that same travel pack of wipes

- zip lock sandwich bag full of cheerios or sliced apples (my baby is quite the little fruit bat)

-Travel cup with straw (she only has one cup and I usually just grab it at the last minute) 

These are the items that I try to keep in her bag for when she is home with her dad while I am at work.  This way dad can jusy grab her and the bag and go if he wants to.  

I however like to push the limit.  When she is with me I just toss a pair of her pants in my purse and hope for the best.  

Of course, I only have one baby who needs things.  I am sure with each additional child the number of items will increase.  

What do you moms out there have in your bags? How many kids do you have?  

Also, I am thinking of getting a small kids bag for my little one and teaching her to carry it herself.  Thoughts? 

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