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Things that make me LOL

I like to think of myself as an easily amused person.  There are lots of things that I laugh at.  For this post though I would like to provide more than just my words describing what makes me laugh.  So hold the phone while I go and google some stuff.....  

Ok I'm back.  Here is the first thing that makes me belly laugh out loud no matter how hard I try to hold it in..  ha ha pun intended. 


Old people falling 

Cats in weird places

Ok so while I was scrolling through memes I found a whole bunch more. But seeing as I am in the early garbage phase of blogging and am doing this from my phone we are lucky that ingot three pictures out of this.  It takes forever.  

This completes day, um, 28? Wow, the last few days are all a blurr.  Did I even do them? What are some things that make you laugh?  

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