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Some Things I Miss

Nearly 4 years ago I left my life out in Southern California to start fresh.  I cut nearly all ties and burned most of the bridges because somehow, deep inside, I knew I was never coming back.  Although it was a toxic life I left behind and I have not once regretted my decision to leave there are some parts of it that I miss.  

1.  Tamales on Christmas 

Christmas eve, since before I can even remember, was always spent prepping and cooking and assembling the big Honduran tamales my grandmother facilitated from memory.  We'd cook all day and well into the night making 200+ tamales.  That was then what we would eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with sour cream, fresh salsa, and Doritos until they were all gone.  For our household of 8 that ususlly lasted us till well after New Years.  This last Christmas was my 4th Christmas without them and although it's been nice to have a break, I think I'm going to attempt the production next year.  We will see how much of it I can make from memory because... well remember? I burnt a bunch of bridges when I left.  Unfortunately, the tamale bridge was one of them.  

2. Performing with my siblings

My sisters and I were professional hula dancers for several years.  And my brother was a drummer.  We all spun and ate fire together as well.  Those weeks spend preparing, rehearsing, and costume making were some of the best times at home.  I miss dancing; with and without fire.

3. Aerial acrobatics

If you think you are not afraid of heights try climbing on a 32' high fabric and then, while hanging on by only your slippery hands, flip upside down.  It will most likely be at this moment that you realize you actually ARE afraid of heights.  Only by this point it is too late.  There is something empowering in performing something that most people are not strong enough to do and are afraid of.  It is so satisfying to make things that took you months and months sometimes years of struggle to master look effortless to the onlooker and I miss it.  

These were things that I was surprised when I started to miss them as much as I do.  Of course these are all fixable and once time and family allow, I will revisit them with excitement.  

What are some things that you miss?

Are they things you could revisit? Did you have to stop them suddenly and that is why you miss them?   

This concludes day 16.  Don't forget to like, share, follow, and subscribe for more of the 30 day writer's challenge.  Also, leave a comment if you have a suggestion for the next 14 days of my quest.  

Love and strength to you all.  

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