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Counting Blessings

It is sometimes hard to think about how we are blessed during a time of trial.  But these are the times when we need to do it the most.  In my household, things are hard right now.  Like sometimes I think about taking up panhandling to try to make ends meet.  Only with my luck, I'd be the one to get caught.  In the midst of all the hard stuff I can count 5 wonderful blessings that are bringing light and happiness.   

1. Husband

In spite of all the struggles we are going through financially, at least I am not facing it alone.   My husband is the most wonderful blessing in my life and I almost missed my chance with him.  Everyday I am thankful that I changed my mind and said yes to him instead of no.  He is my best friend, my partner, my support and my voice of reason when I start to lose hope about our situation.  He is always the optimist and I am so lucky to have him.  

2. Kids 

There are people out there who would give anything for children.  I have 2 healthy thriving daughters.  Each of them brings a different Spirit to our house that is both wonderful and frustrating at the same time.  Watching them grow and discover new abilities is a great blessing to be apart of.  

3.  My health 

I may not be in the best shape of my life anymore. (Thank you child for ruining my body).  But at least I can wake up every morning, see clearly, hear clearly, and have full use of all my joints and muscles. My body lost its shape from only one pregnancy and now is a struggle to live in but it did not lose all of its strength.  Only some of it.  And I am blessed with it.  

4. Opportunity 

Not all jobs are fulfilling, I know this because I had to quit one that was sucking every last ounce of life and time out of me.  So much so that I did not get to fully enjoy having a newborn.  She became more of a burden to me than she should have and I regret every last moment with her that I rushed through because my tightwad boss went back on his word about our arrangements, and hovered over my shoulder every time she made the slightest sound.  (Lesson learned.  Always get things in writing) Now I am blessed to have 2 jobs that are flexible in time, are stimulating to me and also provide me the oportunity to begin exercising again.  I may not get my old body back, but I can fix up the one I have.  

5. A comfortable home

We are blessed to live in affordable housing that does enough to accommodate our small family.  We have running water, heating and air, and electricity.  We have basic furniture to keep us off the floor and plenty of food to keep our bellies full.  Too full in some cases.  I'm sure it's not just the pregnancy to blame for my current lack of muscle tone.  (#relatable am I right? Oh that's just me? Ok. )

Sometimes I get frustrated with the never ending struggle, the inability to buy the things we need when we need them, and the constant delaying of bills and avoiding of collection calls.  I get angry at my old boss who screwed me and my husband and at myself for letting it happen.  But these are the moments when I try (keyword = try.  It doesn't always work) to think about all the ways that we are blessed as a family.  Our struggles are temporary and I know of others whose hardships are much more permanent than a bit of financial instability.  

What are your top 5 blessings?  What are some of your hardships?  Anybody want to buy a dining room table?  Or a couch?

And so completes day 12.  Don't forget to like, share, subscribe to my blog and join me on my 30 day writer's challenge.  

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