My Big "What If..."
We all have monents where we wonder "what if?" One of the biggest of my what ifs is what if I did not change schools in the middle of high school.
I went to 9th grade at a small co-ed Baptist school. I got good grades, had a few friends, and was a leader in the chapel band. Then my mother, never satisfied with what good things we had, discovered a Catholic all girl's school with high marks and wonderful reviews. I was originally not excited about the idea of a change but I heard that the little Catholic school had a small swim team on which I had a really strong chance of making varsity. So. Looking back I'm not sure I really had a choice in the matter, but at the time I felt like I made the choice to change schools so I could swim.
I sometimes wonder if I would have had a different dating experience, and perhaps a different life if I would have stayed in the Baptist school. It's is not a regret but always just a wonder.
What are the what ifs in your life?
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