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Something I feel Strongly About

One of the first things that comes to my mind for today's topic is independence; specifically the independence of children. 

Kid's should be taught and encouraged to be independent.  No matter how much they may fight it,  I believe that they can handle much more responsibility than they typically are given these days.   

As soon as they are able to comprehend and follow direction we as parents should be teaching them how to be responsible for themselves.  For example, I have my 18 month old put away all her toys before bedtime, and bring her dirty clothes to the hamper after her bath.  I also involve her in setting the table for dinner.  We have plastic plates and bowls and cups and I let her run back and forth between the kitchen and dining room with each item one by one.  When she finishes, I praise her effort and she was so proud of herself for doing it.  Of course there are certain tasks she is simply not capable of doing and I won't expect her to until she is ready.  

My 8yr old on the other hand is capable of doing much more and I expect her to do what she is supposed to do with minimal reminders.  Things like putting away clothes, making her bed, doing her homework, and making sure her backpack is all ready for school the next morning are all things that she does by herself.  I usually have to remind her of some of these but I have noticed that lately, when I've asked her if things are done, they already are.  I voice my pleasure and give my praise to her as well.  She is flourishing with the independence she has and pretty soon, she will be doing her own laundry and making her own lunch for school.  

I am exposed to kids of all ages all day long.  I can almost pick out the ones who have chores assigned to them and the ones whose parents do everything for them.  It is the kids age 2nd grade through about 6th grade that, in my experience, are not given enough responsibility.  Some of these kids have no work ethic and no sense of self responsibility.  They cannot do their assigned task unless the teacher/adult is standing right there dictating every step like the way I do with my 18 month old.  They leave without cleaning up after themselves, and some of them make and leave a mess on purpose.  

Parents, I am begging you, teach your kids to be responsible and accountable for themselves.  From the point of view of a teacher: your entitled kids make me strongly consider quiting.  My job becomes twice as hard because your child hasn't been taught how to work independently.   I am an educator, not a babysitter.  I have an actual baby of my own, I do not have the time or the patience to baby your 96 month old, or even worse, your 144 month old.  

Independent and responsible children mean less work for the parents.  I'm surprised that more parents are not taking this lazy route.  

What chores do you assign to your kids?  What skill did your independent little surprise you with and at what age?  

Don't forget to like, share, subscribe to my blog and join me on my 30 day writer's challenge.  I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I am.  

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