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5 Places I would like to visit.

It has always been a dream of mine to be a traveler.  A wandering gypsy who has the capability to pick up and go when whim strikes.  Somebody with no attachments, few posessions and many different ways to make ends meet.   Now that I have a family, that dream, although still there, is a bit different.  I still would love to travel, but a permanent home to always come home to is a new important part of that equation.  Here are 5 places that I would like to visit. 

1. Hawaii 

Although I have been to the same spot in Maui 3 times in the last decade, I would love to visit a different island with my Husband and kids.  I feel a deep connection with this place; the culture, the climate, and the food.  It would be wonderful to experience a new part of it with the most important people in my life.  

2. Italy

A great deal of my family is Italian.  I would love to visit there, to experience the culture and to learn the lifestyles of italians.  Also, Pizza.  Is. Life.   

3. Scotland

Another place full of heritage for mine and my husband's family.  Here is another culture and lifestyle I would love to experience.  

4. Spain

I suppose any place on Europe will have areas with deep and rich history, but really I think I'd like to visit here jusy to make fun of the way the Spaniards speak Spanish.  Seriously people, giving a lisp a different name doesn't make it any less of a lisp.  Legend has it that years back when the world was still young, Spain's king had a speech impediment that gave him a lisp.  Out of respect for their king, the whole kingdom adopted his way of speaking.  This also might be a rumor made up by the ancestors of those of us who speak Spanish correctly.  

5.  Switzerland 

Deep respect to the country who keeps to itself and doesn't get involved in the quarrels of the rest of the world.  This might be the place to flee to if the liberals of America overtake the country with their vagina hats and safety pins and violent displays of "peaceful protest".  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But I still feel like this would be a fun place to visit.  

((The opinions and political language in this post is not meant to be racist or offensive.  It is all good hearted fun and jokes.)  It's sad that we live in a society where disclaimers like this are necessary. I blame Obama...... again, that was just a joke.)  

Have you been to any of these places?  What are some of your dream places to visit?  Suggestions? Recommendations? 

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