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Pet Peeves and The People who Peeve me

There are several things that can fuel the fire of rage in an angry beast. Most of them small things like dishes in the sink, dirty clothes on the floor, and general clutteryness (yes I know that's not a word) that I wouldn't call peeves.  They are more like minor annoyances that are always easily fixed.   I've been thinking about the things that are severe enough to call pet peeves.  I'm a generally easy going person, so I had to eventually ask my husband if he'd noticed anything that gets me more than annoyed.  He came up with a couple good ones and as I thought about them I realized that I not only have pet peeves, but also there is actually a whole personality type that peeves me.  

(Disclaimer: if you happen to be this type of person I do not mean to offend, you probably don't even realize you are this way.  But if you have a suspicion that you might be, you probably are and you're gonna want to work on that because I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't stand you, or your face, or your voice.) 

We'll start with these 2 pet peeves:

  1. People Touching My Pregnant Belly.

I'm sure this is a common one among those of us who have been with child.  Not only is this awkward AF, but it can also be physically uncomfortable.  Our bodies are working overtime. Our feet are swollen. Our organs are in different places. Our lungs don't have enough room to fully fill with air.  The skin on our bellies is itchy from being stretched out.  We can't see our own toes.  We are spending a lot of mental energy trying not to throw up.  We don't have the patience for you to touch our bellies waiting for the alien inside of us to reward you with movement.  Don't even ask.  Let's just keep with the mantra "If you didn't put it here don't freakin touch it." Or the other one of my personal favorites.  "Stay the EFF away"  

2.  People Telling Me How to do My Job.

If you are not my boss or my direct supervisor I'm gonna need you to zip your stupid trap.  I know what my job is, I know what needs to be done and how to do it.  That is why I was put in the position I am in.  I have had separate training from you, and have different tasks to accomplish than you.  I also have different and most likely more experience than you do which is why I have this position and you don't.   I have only one more thing to say about this.  Tell me how to do my job or act like you are in charge of me

 one more time.........   where's my shank? 

Which brings me to my third and final (for now) pet peeve.

3.  Know It All People Who Try to Take Charge When They Really Shouldn't.

Somehow I seem to attract these types of people because I swear they are everywhere.  Unavoidable.  Maybe it's my face, or my generally calm, quiet, unobtrusive demeanor but everywhere I go, every job I have had, every group I've belonged to there is always somebody there who thinks they are God's gift to whatever and loves to let everybody know how great they are.  They act like they have been around forever and are total pro's even when they are brand new. They always try to coach people or teach people or tell people what to do yet they clearly don't know what they are talking about.  They interrupt you midsentence with "advice" no matter what the topic you are talking about.  These people.  Who just love to hear the sound of their own voices.  These people need to cool it, calm their ish, and step down off their stupid pedestals.  Thank you.  

In conclusion, I'm sure I'm not the only one thrown into fits of rage from these three things.  So stay safe.  Don't touch pregnant women. Don't tell other people how to do their job unless you actually are their boss.  Don't be an annoying know-it-all.   

Just to reiterate.  This was meant to be more of a rant. It was not meant to be offensive, nor was it about or directed to anybody in perticuler.    Unless you are a person that keeps a habit of any of these three things I mentioned.  If that's you, watch out.... cause I'll be venting to my husband about you, curling my lip when I hear your voice, and rolling my eyes every time you say something dumb.  

What are your pet peeves?  What induces the fiery angry rage beast inside of you?

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